Thursday, December 18, 2008

8 months old

Cooper is 8 months old today. He weighs 23 lb 7 oz and is 28.5" long
He can clap and wave. He can do baby sign language for "more" and "all done".
He says Dada, Mama, Ada, and Yes (according to Daddy and Ms. Kayla).
Cooper is supposed to have surgery for ear tubes on Tuesday, Dec 23. Please keep him in your prayers. We are praying that it will be quick and painless and that he will be his happy self soon after surgery.

Caden had his Christmas program at school this week. He sang every word of every song. It was adorable. Can you find him in this picture?

We are waiting (somewhat) patiently for Christmas here. Caden is so excited for Santa to come.We've been to see 3 Santas. Caden was concerned that all three of them might come to his house. Cooper wasn't too fond of the 2 Santas that he met this year. We had Caden and Cooper's picture made with Santa at Phipps and with Santa and Mrs. Claus at our Clubhouse this year and we rode the Pink Pig.

We hope that everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!