Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy New Year

Yes, we are running a few days late with our Happy New Year post.
So far we've gotten off to a good start in 2009.

Caden is taking tennis lessons at school and loves it. He's also doing a Science class and a Music class. He is excited about both of those. He is reading books and writing short sentences. He's in love with his Star Wars games and his Wii (or the Spawn of Satan as Mommy refers to it).

Cooper is SLEEPING 12 HOURS AT NIGHT!!!!! The ear tubes (or what we like to call "wonder tubes") have helped him so much and he hasn't been sick at all since he had them put in. He's trying to crawl and pull up on tables, chairs, people... He loves to wave and clap and laugh. He is so much fun to be around.

Daddy still works at Oracle - and that is saying something after this week's layoffs. He is still a Product Manager in the Retail Group.
Mommy does not work at Oracle anymore - see comment above for reason why... Mommy is now the President of Domestic Duties and Dispute Resolutions at the Virant household.

We hope that you all had a Happy New Year!!!