Friday, September 18, 2009

17 months

Cooper you are 17 months old today!
What are you up to?

You weigh 29 lbs and are about 34 inches tall (I think, but you are so hard to measure!)
You love to run - in the grass, at the baseball field, in the house, anywhere.
You have 7 teeth - all of which still like to bite.
You can say "I go bye bye" and then you head straight to the door to the garage.
You love to give kisses and hugs.
You are still taking 2 naps every day and sleep about 11 hours at night.
You love to go outside. When it rains, you stand at the front door and press your nose to the glass and say "Bye Bye".
You love to sit in the office with Mommy or Caden and "work" on the computer and spin in the office chairs.
You are wearing a size 24 month or 2T. You are a big boy!
You are starting to be a picky eater.
You love to eat Goldfish crackers and you want to eat them at every meal. Sadly, meals times aren't so much fun right now, because you don't get to eat Goldfish at every meal.
You like to stack blocks and then knock them down.
You are really good at playing with all of Caden's toys.
This month you've learned how to say football, baseball and basketball.
You might be starting the "terrible twos" a wee bit early...

We love you Coop!