Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Little Pumpkins
18 months
Cooper, you are 18 months old today.
You have 10.5 teeth.
You have too many new words to list but some of our favorites are: thank you, please, get down, socks, ball, two and pumpkin.
You are VERY loud.
You can throw a ball really well.
You can also throw a fit really well.
We find out how much you weigh on Wednesday when you get your flu shot. We're guessing around 30 lbs.
You have one speed now - wide open. You run everywhere.
You went to Ms. Kayla's wedding this month. You didn't get to stay in the church because we were afraid that you would scream for Ms. Kayla the whole time.
You still love to talk on the phone.
You are still taking 2 naps everyday and sleeping great at night.
You are completely and totally obsessed with airplanes.
You are such a big boy! We love you Cooper.
What are you up to this month?
You have 10.5 teeth.
You still love to bite.
You need another haircut.You have too many new words to list but some of our favorites are: thank you, please, get down, socks, ball, two and pumpkin.
You are VERY loud.
You can throw a ball really well.
You can also throw a fit really well.
We find out how much you weigh on Wednesday when you get your flu shot. We're guessing around 30 lbs.
You have one speed now - wide open. You run everywhere.
You went to Ms. Kayla's wedding this month. You didn't get to stay in the church because we were afraid that you would scream for Ms. Kayla the whole time.
You still love to talk on the phone.
You are still taking 2 naps everyday and sleeping great at night.
You are completely and totally obsessed with airplanes.
You are such a big boy! We love you Cooper.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Here comes the ring bearer
Ms. Kayla (our nanny) got married last Saturday.
Caden was her Ring Bearer.

Yep, that's camo. Mr. Chad (Ms. Kayla's husband) chose camouflage vests for the wedding. It was the one and only piece of input that Chad had in the wedding. I can see why Ms. Kayla made all the other decisions!

Caden LOVED his tuxedo, but he loved his camo vest most of all!!

Caden was her Ring Bearer.
He had a great time at the reception and danced the entire time we were there.
Congratulations Ms. Kayla and Mr. Chad. We hope you are having a great time on your honeymoon. Hurry home ...
Friday, September 18, 2009
17 months
What are you up to?
You weigh 29 lbs and are about 34 inches tall (I think, but you are so hard to measure!)
You love to run - in the grass, at the baseball field, in the house, anywhere.
You have 7 teeth - all of which still like to bite.
You can say "I go bye bye" and then you head straight to the door to the garage.
You love to give kisses and hugs.
You are still taking 2 naps every day and sleep about 11 hours at night.
You love to go outside. When it rains, you stand at the front door and press your nose to the glass and say "Bye Bye".
You love to sit in the office with Mommy or Caden and "work" on the computer and spin in the office chairs.
You are wearing a size 24 month or 2T. You are a big boy!
You are wearing a size 24 month or 2T. You are a big boy!
You are starting to be a picky eater.
You love to eat Goldfish crackers and you want to eat them at every meal. Sadly, meals times aren't so much fun right now, because you don't get to eat Goldfish at every meal.
You like to stack blocks and then knock them down.
You are really good at playing with all of Caden's toys.
This month you've learned how to say football, baseball and basketball.
You might be starting the "terrible twos" a wee bit early...
We love you Coop!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Attack Plan
Sadly, our newly renovated bathroom has been turned into Iraq and Afghanistan.
I think, perhaps, we're watching a bit too much CNN when Caden is around.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
16 months
Cooper, you are 16 months old.
What are you up to this month?You are talking a LOT more.You love to say NO NO NO NO NO NO NO and shake your head.You had to stand in the corner for the first time for biting Mommy.
You still only have 6 teeth, but one more is popping through this week.You don't have long hair anymore. All of your curls are gone and people still think you are a girl.
This month you went to the beach, met Buzz in person, and went to your first friend's birthday party.You walk around the house calling Caden every day. You miss him when he's at Kindergarten.
You love Elmo, Mickey Mouse and Barney.You say "I do" instead of "I want" when you want something.
You like to hammer or fix things everywhere. You are definitely going to be an engineer.You are still 100% rotten and cuter than ever!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
First Day of Kindergarten
Caden started Kindergarten today at Mt. Bethel Christian Academy.
He has 15 children in his class and his teachers' names are Mrs. Hahn and Mrs. O'Donnell.
He knew two boys in his class, Britton and Aaron.Monday, August 10, 2009
We've had a very busy August so far.

Cooper and Caden had their 15 month and 5 year doctor's visits yesterday.
Caden had baseball tryouts for his baseball team at Mt. Bethel on Aug 1. We need to work on fielding...
We went to Gigi & Grandy's for the first week in August and played at the beach, the pool and even saw some alligators!
On Saturday we went down to Georgia Tech for the Great Yellow Jacket Encounter. It was SUPER hot and there were so many people there. Cooper and Caden got to see Buzz, the football players and Coach Johnson. Cooper loved running on the field and Caden loved playing on all the rides and bouncy houses that were there.
Cooper and Caden had their 15 month and 5 year doctor's visits yesterday.
Caden weighs in at 46.5 lbs (he lost 3 pounds after his tonsillectomy!) and is 46 inches tall.
Cooper weighs 26.5 lbs and is 33 inches tall.
Caden gets to meet his Kindergarten teacher on Wednesday and then he starts Kindergarten on Thursday. He is so excited about starting school - and so is Mommy.
Whew - it's been a busy month and we aren't even half way done!
Stay tuned for pictures from Caden's first day of Kindergarten...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
15 months
You weigh 27 lbs and are 36" tall.
You talk non-stop. Your favorite word right now is "that".
You still love to sleep. You are sleeping 12 hours at night and 2 great naps every day.
Your nickname is "Rotten Pot" because you are spoiled rotten - 100%.
You get mistaken for a girl constantly because of your long curly blonde hair, but Mommy can't bear to cut it yet.
You are crawling!! Yes, finally at 15 months you are crawling - even though you've been walking for 5 months. To quote Menaw, "You are the first Spilliards baby to ever crawl!"
You love to eat. There isn't any food that you don't like.
You love to sing and dance.
You put your hands over your ears when someone tells you "No".
You know the following body parts: nose, ears, tummy, toes and hair - even if you won't perform on command.
You are still completely and totally in love with Caden (even when he doesn't feel the same about you!)
This month you rode in the boat for the first time, played at the beach, swam in the ocean, rode in a parade, watched fireworks and took swimming lessons.
You are growing up too fast!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
14 months
You are 14 months old (last week) Cooper!
What are you up to?
You love to walk. It's your favorite thing to do. You want to walk constantly.
You are not in love with giving up your bottle and it's not going so well...
You fold your hands when we say the blessing - it is the sweetest thing that you do.
You are spoiled rotten and stubborn. Mommy has no idea where you get that from!
You throw a little tantrum when you don't get your way.
You bite - anything and everyone.
You squeal in delight when you see someone you know.
You like to hold the phone to your ear and say "Hey there" and sometimes call 911.
You love the Wii remotes.
You love to ride in your push car and honk the horn.
You can say Miiah Mouhh and Doad Duh (Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck).
You brush your hair with a brush.
You love to sing in the microphone on Caden's keyboard.
You look like "a princess" with your long curls. A haircut is imminent.
You adore your big brother and want to do everything he does.
We love you so much more every day!!
The Stomach Monster
We are all well, finally.
We've all had the stomach bug since we got home from Disneyworld.
Unfortunately, Honey and Gigi got it too. We're sorry Honey and Gigi!!
We've all had the stomach bug since we got home from Disneyworld.
Unfortunately, Honey and Gigi got it too. We're sorry Honey and Gigi!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Hottest Happiest Place on Earth
Last week we went to Disneyworld for Caden's 5th birthday. We had a great time. It was really hot and a little crowded, but it was still a lot of fun! It was Cooper's first Disney trip (he turned 14 months old while we were there) and he LOVED all the characters and the rides. We can't wait to go back.
Caden's favorite memories were getting picked to be in the Jedi Training Academy and playing the Texas Ranger on stage at the Hoop Dee Doo Review. Both were precious.
Here are a few of our favorite pictures from our trip.
Caden's favorite memories were getting picked to be in the Jedi Training Academy and playing the Texas Ranger on stage at the Hoop Dee Doo Review. Both were precious.
Here are a few of our favorite pictures from our trip.
Monday, May 18, 2009
13 months

What are you up to these days, Coop?
You are walking and pulling up on things.
You are jabbering non-stop.
You sleep A LOT and Mommy loves you to pieces for that!
You hold up one finger when someone asks "How old are you?". (Especially when Papa asks.)
You clap for yourself all the time.
You shake your head No-No-No-No-No-No when you don't want something or when you don't like someone telling you "No".
You adore Caden and want so badly to do everything he does.
You are starting to use the potty and are doing really well with it.
You are getting three new teeth this week - that makes 5 total.
You love Elmo and Barney and you know exactly what to do with a lightsaber!
You can say: Dada, Mama, Ada (Caden), Du (Duck), Ehmo (Elmo), Ba-non (Banana), Buzz, Bye, Ba-Ba (Bottle)
You love to be in your walker and run down the hall as fast as you can and slide. It makes you squeal.
You bring us so much hapiness. We love you oodles and oodles!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Caden's Graduation
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Drs. K
Cooper went to the doctor today because he had a fever that spiked up last night to over 103. He has a virus and should be fine in a few days, hopefully. He's teething too.
There are two Dr. K's at our pediatrician (well actually three now that I think about it).
We REALLY like Dr. K1 and we really DON'T like Dr. K2.
Anyway, while we were at the pediatrician today, Dr. K1 saw Cooper and noticed that Dr.K2 (who we saw at Cooper's one year visit because Dr. K1 was out of town unexpectedly) noted a heart murmur on his chart at his last check-up. Dr. K1 looked puzzled and said she wanted to listen to his heart for a while. She could not find a heart murmur or a "squeak" as Dr.K2 noted. Dr. K1 said that perhaps Cooper had been congested at his last visit and that Dr. K2 had heard his squeak because of the congestion. I told Dr.K1 that Cooper was completely well at his last visit. Dr. K1 then said perhaps she needed to buy Dr. K2 a new stethoscope!
We are still going to the cardiologist on May 26 to see if he can find anything, but we are not too worried about it. Caden sees the cardiologist on May 26 too for his regular heart health check up and to see if the PFO that he has is still open and if we have moved into Stage 1 Block. We will keep you posted! Thanks in advance for your prayers.
There are two Dr. K's at our pediatrician (well actually three now that I think about it).
We REALLY like Dr. K1 and we really DON'T like Dr. K2.
Anyway, while we were at the pediatrician today, Dr. K1 saw Cooper and noticed that Dr.K2 (who we saw at Cooper's one year visit because Dr. K1 was out of town unexpectedly) noted a heart murmur on his chart at his last check-up. Dr. K1 looked puzzled and said she wanted to listen to his heart for a while. She could not find a heart murmur or a "squeak" as Dr.K2 noted. Dr. K1 said that perhaps Cooper had been congested at his last visit and that Dr. K2 had heard his squeak because of the congestion. I told Dr.K1 that Cooper was completely well at his last visit. Dr. K1 then said perhaps she needed to buy Dr. K2 a new stethoscope!
We are still going to the cardiologist on May 26 to see if he can find anything, but we are not too worried about it. Caden sees the cardiologist on May 26 too for his regular heart health check up and to see if the PFO that he has is still open and if we have moved into Stage 1 Block. We will keep you posted! Thanks in advance for your prayers.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
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