Sunday, June 28, 2009

14 months

You are 14 months old (last week) Cooper!
What are you up to?
You love to walk. It's your favorite thing to do. You want to walk constantly.
You are not in love with giving up your bottle and it's not going so well...
You fold your hands when we say the blessing - it is the sweetest thing that you do.
You are spoiled rotten and stubborn. Mommy has no idea where you get that from!
You throw a little tantrum when you don't get your way.
You bite - anything and everyone.
You squeal in delight when you see someone you know.
You like to hold the phone to your ear and say "Hey there" and sometimes call 911.
You love the Wii remotes.
You love to ride in your push car and honk the horn.
You can say Miiah Mouhh and Doad Duh (Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck).
You brush your hair with a brush.
You love to sing in the microphone on Caden's keyboard.
You look like "a princess" with your long curls. A haircut is imminent.
You adore your big brother and want to do everything he does.

We love you so much more every day!!

The Stomach Monster

We are all well, finally.
We've all had the stomach bug since we got home from Disneyworld.
Unfortunately, Honey and Gigi got it too. We're sorry Honey and Gigi!!