Cooper, you are 16 months old.
What are you up to this month?You are talking a LOT more.You love to say NO NO NO NO NO NO NO and shake your head.You had to stand in the corner for the first time for biting Mommy.
You still only have 6 teeth, but one more is popping through this week.You don't have long hair anymore. All of your curls are gone and people still think you are a girl.
This month you went to the beach, met Buzz in person, and went to your first friend's birthday party.You walk around the house calling Caden every day. You miss him when he's at Kindergarten.
You love Elmo, Mickey Mouse and Barney.You say "I do" instead of "I want" when you want something.
You like to hammer or fix things everywhere. You are definitely going to be an engineer.You are still 100% rotten and cuter than ever!