What are you up to these days, Coop?
You are walking and pulling up on things.
You are jabbering non-stop.
You sleep A LOT and Mommy loves you to pieces for that!
You hold up one finger when someone asks "How old are you?". (Especially when Papa asks.)
You clap for yourself all the time.
You shake your head No-No-No-No-No-No when you don't want something or when you don't like someone telling you "No".
You adore Caden and want so badly to do everything he does.
You are starting to use the potty and are doing really well with it.
You are getting three new teeth this week - that makes 5 total.
You love Elmo and Barney and you know exactly what to do with a lightsaber!
You can say: Dada, Mama, Ada (Caden), Du (Duck), Ehmo (Elmo), Ba-non (Banana), Buzz, Bye, Ba-Ba (Bottle)
You love to be in your walker and run down the hall as fast as you can and slide. It makes you squeal.
You bring us so much hapiness. We love you oodles and oodles!