We went to see Santa a few days ago.
Cooper loved him. I think some of the magic is wearing off for Caden...
Cooper asked for a "Star Wars Baby Lizard". (Yes, we know he is 2 and shouldn't know what Star Wars is yet, but with a 6 year old brother whom he idolizes, it's a part of his every day life.)
After we left our visit with Santa, Cooper asked over 50 times when he was getting his baby lizard. We realized after all the prep we had done talking with him about visiting Santa and talking to Santa, we failed to discuss that Santa doesn't come until Dec 24. Cooper was under the impression that he would get his baby lizard immediately. Let's just say we had less than a happy 2 year old on our hands once we explained this to him...
Here's a picture of the baby lizard by the way. It can't get here soon enough!