Saturday, December 4, 2010

Santa, please hurry

We went to see Santa a few days ago.
Cooper loved him. I think some of the magic is wearing off for Caden...

Cooper asked for a "Star Wars Baby Lizard". (Yes, we know he is 2 and shouldn't know what Star Wars is yet, but with a 6 year old brother whom he idolizes, it's a part of his every day life.)

After we left our visit with Santa, Cooper asked over 50 times when he was getting his baby lizard. We realized after all the prep we had done talking with him about visiting Santa and talking to Santa, we failed to discuss that Santa doesn't come until Dec 24. Cooper was under the impression that he would get his baby lizard immediately. Let's just say we had less than a happy 2 year old on our hands once we explained this to him...

Here's a picture of the baby lizard by the way. It can't get here soon enough!

Holiday Cards

I love getting Holiday cards in the mail. I love the ones that have pictures of friends and family.
My college roommate sent a card one year that had a picture from every month of her son's first year. It was so adorable.

I'm running behind this year with our Christmas cards. That's why I'm so excited about this!!!

Shutterfly is offering 50 free Christmas Cards to bloggers who blog about this special giveaway.
I LOVE Shutterfly. I have used them for Calendars, Photo Books and Birthday Cards.

Each year when we go to Disney we make a photobook and I've also stopped scrapbooking altogether and created photo books for all of Caden & Cooper's milestones. Caden loves to read them.

You can read more about the promotion here. But hurry, because you only have until December 10.

There are a hundreds of holiday to cards to choose from at Shutterfly. I've found about 30 that I'd like to use this year. Here our some of the ones that we like:

But here's our favorite one:

We hope everyone is having a fun time getting ready for the Holidays!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Best Birthday Yet

Happy 6th Birthday, Caden!

WOW! Caden had a great time at his 6th birthday party.

Caden invited his friends from Kindergarten and we all went to Johnny Rockets for lunch and then saw Toy Story 3.

I am amazed at how well behaved all the kids were. Tom & I were a little nervous about taking that many children to lunch and a movie, but they were all so fantastic!! The boys didn't move ONCE during the entire movie and the girls chatted with each other and held each other's hands when the movie got a little scary. It was precious!

Caden, I can't believe you are already 6 years old. I love you so much and I am so thankful that God chose us as your parents. We are so blessed to have you in our lives!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Cooper is 2!

Happy Birthday, Cooper!
We had Cooper's birthday party this weekend.
He loves all things John Deere so we had a tractor themed party.
We had so much fun but we missed Menaw & Granddaddy and Honey & Papa. Hurry up and get well soon!
Here are some of our favorite pictures from the weekend.

Happy Easter

We had a great Easter in Savannah.
We had so many Easter egg hunts - one at Gigi & Grandy's church and the other 11 in their back yard.
Caden and Cooper both loved hunting for eggs this year.
We got to see most of Mommy's family during the weekend.
We had so much fun seeing Honey & Papa and Menaw & Granddaddy. We miss you all!!

Opening Easter baskets!

Cooper didn't want to put away the toys and go to church, but once he got to church he didn't want to leave the nursery!

More egg hunts in the back yard.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! We had a great Christmas and we are having a good 2010 so far.
We had a great time having Christmas in Atlanta and Savannah.
Caden is playing basketball at Mt. Bethel and is happy to be back at school.
Cooper is still rotten to the core and is talking a lot these days and climbing on EVERYTHING!